Saturday, 22 June 2013

What is a Supermoon

Friday, 21 June 2013

Summer Solstice at Stonehenge - A midsummer day's scene: Revellers rise at dawn to celebrate the solstice with drumming and dancing

  • The solstice is a rare chance for members of the public to walk among the ancient Wiltshire stone circle
  • June 21 is the longest day of the calendar year, with daylight hours getting shorter from now on
  • By sunset last night, 2,000 people had gathered to keep vigil. By 5am, 21,000 people were greeting the sunrise
  • Police praise 'positive, friendly atmosphere' and made only 22 arrests, mainly for drug offences

Thousands of people spent the night at Stonehenge, watching the sun set then waiting for it to rise on the longest day of the year

About 21,000 people, including pagans, druids and partygoers, were at the ancient monument by dawn to greet the longest day of the year

Boaz Sobrado and his girlfriend Lolita Honich, from Hungary, kissed during a sunset ceremony at Stonehenge

Ian Temple, aka Wild Fox, of the Druids of Dorset Grove, wore traditional dress and facepaint for the solstice celebrations

The solstice, which means the sun is standing still, was also marked by about 500 people at Avebury, Wiltshire, who kept watch for the sunrise at stone circles there.
From Monday, the final steps in Stonehenge's transformation will begin. Part of the road running alongside will be permanently closed as part of a long-awaited refurbishment of the World Heritage Site.
The closure and grassing over of the A344 will make Stonehenge fully part of the landscape again, allowing visitors to relieve the walk between the stone circle and the prehistoric avenue that used to be the approach to the monument.
It is part of work which includes the creation of a new visitor centre around 1.5 miles away from the monument, with a cafe, shop and museum showing artefacts and exploring theories about Stonehenge, as well as three replica neolithic houses.
A girl jumped off a rock at Stonehenge during a sunset ceremony before thousands more people arrived at the ancient monument

The grey cloudy morning did not affect the mood at Stonehenge, where visitors played music and performed rituals

The solstice, which means a stopping or standing still of the sun, has been celebrated for thousands of years

Crowds were still celebrating the solstice at dawn despite keeping vigil overnight at Stonehenge

Dancing and drumming was among the overnight activities as people stayed awake to greet the morning

A couple of partygoers danced together in a rare chance to be among the Stonehenge stones

About 500 people attended a gathering at Avebury, 22 miles away from Stonehenge

BBC Science - Why is the summer solstice the longest day of sunlight?

BBC Science - Why is the summer solstice the longest day of sunlight?: "Families across Britain enjoy the longest day of the year on Friday 21 June. It is the summer solstice.

We get the most hours of daylight because of the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun.

But the solstice does not necessarily fall on the same day each year. And in some parts of the world the Sun does not set at all.

While it is the day that has the most sunlight, Britain's weather typically does not become hotter until later in the summer.

Experts from five UK universities explain the science of the solstice."

Midnight Sun in Alaska

'via Blog this'

BBC News - Summer solstice draws thousands to Stonehenge

BBC News - Summer solstice draws thousands to Stonehenge: "Summer solstice draws thousands to Stonehenge
Crowds gather at dawn amongst the stones at Stonehenge

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Stonehenge Weather Outlook - Summer Solstice Fri June 21st
 Tue Jun 18Wed Jun 19Thu Jun 20Fri Jun 21
overcast  overcast  overcast , rainovercast , light rain
cloudy  various clouds  overcast , light rainvarious clouds
various clouds  various clouds  overcast  various clouds
cloudy , light raincloudy , raincloudy  cloudy , rain
Last updated: Tue, 18 Jun, 07:26 BST

    Forecast Summary

    • Outlook for Thursday to Saturday

      Mostly cloudy with showery rain, locally heavy and thundery, on Thursday. Drier and feeling fresher on Friday, before stronger winds and a band of rain spreads eastwards on Saturday.