Monday, 18 August 2014

Join English Heritage

Get out and about this summer at over 400 historic properties. From only £41, membership gives you unlimited entry to castles and gardens, historic houses and abbeys, and kids go free.   Join Today Click Here

  • Free entry to over 400 historic sites

    From historic houses and abbeys, to captivating castles such as Dover Castle, there is so much to explore... Fun adventures for a whole year.
  • Kids go free

    Free entry for up to six accompanying children per adult member.
  • Free or reduced price entry to events

    Exclusive members' events giving you access to our experts and a glimpse behind the scenes.
  • Exclusive Members' pack

    Handbook, members' magazine, membership card and car sticker.
  • Your support makes the difference

    Membership provides a valuable contribution towards our work in protecting England's magnificent historic properties for years to come.